Sensual Massages

Do you want a Prime Nuru massage experience?

It’s not fast and is usually a slow, sensual ride. You feel loved and cared for. These kinds of interactions can also lead to great connections.

What is Sensual Massage?

This therapeutic massage is full of erotic pleasure, helping you to enjoy a mind-blowing experience with all the benefits that a conventional massage can give you.

Given in a sensual, erotic setting, this massage is a perfect way to experience your first adult massage before advancing to more personal services like the Nuru massage. We assure you that you will feel relieved and have renewed energy after the sensual massage.

What Sensual Massage Involves?

A sensual massage is a relaxing therapy, it is an experience that allows you to fall completely into a trance that relieves physical strain and recharges your sensual energies. This seductive massage is full of erotic delight, and it is performed in a sensuous, erotic setting.

What happens during a Prime Sensual Massage?

Your chosen masseuse will use her intuition to lead you on a tantalising journey that will tease, awaken, and revitalise your senses.

Your masseuse will begin an erotic massage with a sequence of seductive massage strokes. This sensual massage employs energy and chakras to transport the receiver to a new state of consciousness. Achieving this mental state allows you to dissolve all physical boundaries and focus on sensual pleasure at a higher spiritual level.

Depending on your preferences and the session length, your masseuse may break down the whole process for you. From what is a sensual massage to what happens in a sensual massage.

Booking Your London Prime Tantric Massage Today